FRS State/Auxilliary Account Create/Modification Request Form

In order to create or modify a state supported or auxiliary account, please print this form, fill in the information below and forward the form to:

                                Budget & Fiscal Analysis

                                2132 Main Administration Bldg


For questions regarding state account creates or modifications, please contact BFA at x55627 or email 


Requestor (your name) ______________________________ Telephone ______________


I am requesting _______a new account or ________an account modification (check one).  Please provide a separate form for each account.


Please provide a suggested new account number for account creates or the existing account number for modifications FRS #___________________.


For account modifications, please provide the detail for any changes including the old attribute information in the space below and have approver sign at the bottom. 





For new accounts, please provide the following information in addition to the suggested account number above and the approver signature below:


Please give a brief explanation of the purpose of the new account:______________________________________________________________________________



Short Description (20 characters or less): ____________________


Long Description (40 characters or less): ____________________



Responsible Person (usually a Dean , Chair, Director, or VP): ____________________

  Address of Responsible Person: _____________________________


Division Number (xx): _______


Department and Sub-department number (xxxxx-xx): _________________


Program (xx): ____________

 (Instruction 01, Research 02, Public Service 03, Academic Support 04, Student Services 05, Institutional Support 06, Physical Plant 07, Auxilliary Enterprises 08)  Note: Accounts for Academic Units are generally programs 01,02,03, or 04.


Support Indicator (x): ________

  (1 State Support, 2 Self Support)


Signature of Approver (usually the Division or College Level Business/Budget Officer)


___________________________________                              _________________

Signature                                                                                               Date



Print Name of Approver